Sliding Scale - $140-$220 per hour.
​Guesting rates -- $180-250 per hour - to reflect added travel costs and shop rent. This will vary depending the city.
Most of my work takes between 2-4 hrs. Full arm and leg wraps will take 3-6 hrs. Full back pieces are 7-10+ hrs and will likely take 2 sessions spaced at least 3 weeks apart. For a gallery of timing examples click here.
To book either a flash or custom appointment, please fill out my booking form. I usually have my calendar open 6-8 weeks our from any given date. Please visit our "book a tattoo" page for my booking availability.
I occasionally travel to "guest tattoo" in other cities. Booking for those trips is done via a booking form submission that will be available on my instagram or linked in our newsletter when I open those books.
flash designs:
My flash are pre-drawn tattoo designs that are added to my flash folders on instagram highlights. I have about 600 designs available at any given time. I do not repeat flash, giving everyone a unique and one of a kind tattoo. I will make an exception only for two friends/partners/family etc that would like to have a matching tattoo and agree on the same flash design. I am open to small modifications of flash designs that will not fall into the custom category.
custom process:
Submit a booking form and select the custom option
If I’m a good fit, I'll reach out and then you submit the $100 non-refundable drawing fee
I will send you a first round consisting of 3 designs within 1 week
You send me your thoughts/edits
I send you a second and final round of 3 design options
We can schedule an appt and you will submit a deposit to hold the appt slot
giving back:
I offer 1-2 appts per month at free or severely reduced rates for folks who identify as BIPOC and/or Trans. You can apply for these appts here. Historically the tattoo world has been extremely racist and transphobic and I hope to give back to these communities through these appts.
color work:
I am limiting it to 5 colors per design. I have 25+ colors to choose from :)
color swatches:
I have prescribed designs that are available for tiny color tests (see my instagram highlight "ink colors" ). The colors can be whatever combination you want for these.
Color swatch test tattoos are on a sliding scale flat rate of $0-$100 for BIPOC folks and $20-$100 for White folks. Please consider your privilege/class, race, gender identity, and your ability to make/budget/save money when choosing your rate. These are meant to be a test for purposes of a color tattoo down the road. If you have no intentions of getting a color tattoo later on but simply want a cute small color tattoo, please consider paying on the high range of the scale.
I recommend to wait at least 3-6 months between the color test and the larger tattoo in order for you to see how the colors heal. The color test swatch designs cannot be larger than .75 inches (three quarters of an inch). No hand or foot placements for these since those are very quickly fading areas.